
Showing posts from December, 2011

No Resolutions Needed

“Your dreams about the future are quite intense now, bringing excitement one minute and worry the next.   You’re beginning to realize that your plans are not unfolding as expected.   But rather than feeling discouraged or defeated, try to see this as an opportunity to reinvent yourself according to your vision and not someone else’s.   Let go of past goals that are no longer meaningful. Instead, get ready to step into the year ahead by setting new priorities for your life.” I wanted to share my horoscope from yesterday with you because it was very fitting for today’s post.   I have been thinking about 2012 rapidly approaching and the things I want for myself in the New Year.   As I began to think of what I wanted everything on that list was in some way connected to “things’ in my past… How can you have a future if your past is still present?? 2012 is a new year, with new beginnings and I will have a new state of mind! I partied like a freakin ROCKSTAR in ...

Lights, Camera, FASHION!

Christmas is just around the corner and my spirit of giving has become very personal!  I have been shopping like I actually have extra money to spend!  Of course, while shopping for all my friends and family, I’ve found a few (meaning several) new items for myself!  It’s so sad… but I find it very hard to say “no” to shiny new things! I am by no means a fashionista, but I would say that I am fashion forward!  I wouldn’t say that I am always on top of what’s hot or not, but I definitely make it work!  I’ve been bitten by the online shopping bug and have somehow found myself in shopaholic hell!  An addictive personality and free shipping DO NOT mix! This is very, very serious!  But, the funny thing is… I make the best excuses!  LOL  I have 5 great reasons to justify my wallet-busting habits! 1. I’m single…I need to be cute when I go out! 2. The seasons change so often; I have to be prepared. 3. I must have shoes to match the clothes! (...

Obey the Law

Have you heard of The Secret aka The Law of Attraction ? It is a metaphysical belief that "like attracts like" that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results and respectively, is simply speaking things into existence! I believe in this whole-heartedly… That our thoughts, beliefs and state of mind have a massive impact on what actually happens in our lives. For instance, when I was thrown into the single life, I was a completely different person for a while… Sad, quiet, extremely sensitive (to be honest, I’m always extremely sensitive), I was basically a wreck!   Then one day, I decided that I was no longer going to be this person!   I was claiming my joy and taking it all back… And I did! Sometimes people count on you to be you !   And I was not providing my true self to my friends and family.   I have a friend who I have grown very close to in the past couple years.   She lives in Texas, so I hardly ever see...

"If you're really a prince, I'll marry you..."

One of my favorite movies in the entire world is “Coming to America”.   It’s a side-splitting comedy about an African prince who goes to New York in hopes of finding a bride, so he won’t have to marry the princess his parents have chosen for him.   In the end, he finds love and they live happily ever after…O f course ! Isn’t that what happens in the movies?   Girl meets Boy…Girl falls in love…Boy falls too (eventually)… and they live happily ever after!   Movies have had me thinking this is what my life would be like as an adult!   Well they damn sure had me fooled!   It’s definitely not how my life has played out. I always thought I’d be married and done having children before I turned 30… Well, I’m pretty close to 30 and that has yet to happen.   In fact, I don’t see it anywhere in my near future.   I don’t see my childhood prediction coming into fruition anytime soon.   While dating, it’s been super difficult to encounter a man wh...

The MILK and The HONEY

As I headed to church one beautiful Sunday morning with my mother by my side, I was optimistic.   This day, there was no struggle to wake up and take care of business, no slight headache lingering from the drinks I had the night before... No reason to make excuses. Prepared to fill-up for the new week, speak happiness into my life and hear my pastor preach... I was ready! I rushed up the pavement, hearing myself take every step, (something about hearing my footsteps makes me feel useful, prepared, strong, womanly) I was eager to get inside.   We sat down and I realized that my pastor, the person I was so eager to hear a word from, WAS NOT preaching.   I tell myself that it's okay, that I came to hear a word not a man and to give the guest a chance! As I preoccupied myself with reading the weekly bulletin, I heard a voice... A female preacher stood up in front of the church and spoke to us in such a beautiful tone... It sounded like she was singing.   I had...