Be Concerned... I Know I Am!

When I was a little girl, I saw a woman, who was very close to me, involved in a relationship with a man who abused her. She would go away for a while and come back with bumps and bruises on her body. I never asked what happened to her because I already knew… As a 6 or 7 year old child I was exposed to Domestic Violence. No one ever explained to me what was going on because they assumed I would never figure it out. But I did. And I still remember what her face looked like when she would return after having an altercation with her abuser. To this day, Domestic Violence is becoming more prevalent and needs to be addressed. Do me a favor and think about someone you love… Someone you truly care for… Now imagine them being afraid for their life because the person they are romantically involved with is abusing them. Being afraid, unhappy, uncomfortable or held hostage in a relationship is not how it’s supposed to be. A gr...