I’m Baaaaack…

Summer is here, I’m cute and it’s time to party!  Its summer 2010, my first single summer in years and I’m ready to kick it! 
In my past relationship, I was very loyal.  So, over the last few years I have had very little friends of the opposite sex, and I most definitely didn’t want to meet any new ones…For what?!?  I was in love and whatever this “new friend” wanted to do for me, I already had at home.  Well, this came back to bite me in the butt, because now that I was single, I had no one to turn to when I was lonely.  But, I was definitely ready now… Ready for new friends and new experiences…
It was time for something new.  On a night out with my girls, a night I didn’t want to go out, might I add… I met a boy! 
Have you ever had a day where no matter what you put on, you didn’t feel pretty?  Well, this was one of those days!  And understand that I have some cute friends, so I knew I’d feel inferior, but I went anyway.  I threw on a dress and was out the door…
I wore high heels, so this was one of those nights of dancing and sitting.  Oh come on now ladies, don’t act like you don’t know!  LOL…Meaning, I would get up and dance when a good song came on and then sit back down.  Toward the end of the night, a cutie pie came up and sat at my table.  He looked super young, but he was sweet.  His little approach was cool, running his game, but I wasn’t trying to hear it.  Although he was adorable, he looked like a baby!
After a few more drinks, he was growing on me.  Mr… Well, let’s just call him Mr. 007.  He was tall, dark and handsome.  But before I gave him my number, I needed to see some I.D.  Turns out, he was only one year younger than me, but his demeanor was captivating.  And the way he looked at me… Let’s just say, no one had looked at me that way in a very long time.
So, we went out…The way he spoke to me, with such authority and interacted with me in public had me swooning!  This was it!  That quick and easy, this tall (6’7” to be exact), dark, handsome and successful, might I add, man was completely into me!  I was ready to jump in headfirst but it was too soon, I had just met this man and my Mommy told me if something seems too good to be true, it almost always is.
Things quickly changed and the fairy tale ended within a matter of weeks.  I expected him to give me attention as if we were in a relationship.  I basically tried to begin my “whatever it was” with Mr. 007 where my ex and I left off.  I eventually made the decision to distance myself from him, in order to meet other people and learn what it’s like to really date.  I realized I was officially a single girl, living in a single world.  But, Mr. 007 taught me a valuable lesson… Every Mr. IS NOT Mr. Right!
GET BACK TO HAPPY TIP:  Don’t compare your situation to anyone else’s…What’s for you is for you.  Celebrate the good things in your life and the bad things will eventually become insignificant!


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