Mrs. Contentment
I went to a wedding a few weeks ago… *le sigh* and it was beautiful! Normally, I wouldn’t be too excited about going to a wedding, as a single woman (with no date). But this one, in particular, was one I had been looking forward to attending for a while. As my ridiculously beautiful friend walked down a gorgeous staircase to take the hand of her soon-to-be husband, I was filled with joy and thoughts of well-wishes for the happy couple. This was surprising to me, not because it was an unusual feeling to have, but because I had prepared myself for feelings of envy and sadness for myself and when that didn’t happen, it was a complicated feeling. It makes me feel horrible and selfish, inconsiderate and rude to know that I had actually prepared myself to feel this way! And on top of that, it didn’t even happen! I love this couple. They are my friends, so don’t get me wrong, the feelings I thought I would have were completely personal and had nothing to do with my being happ...