Where My Girls At?!?

As a single woman, I for one, find so much comfort in confiding in and talking to my single friends.  Not all of my friends are single; some of them are married with children.  But, for the most part, the women I interact with on a daily basis are young, beautiful, successful and living happy lives… They also happen to be single.

The more and more I think about it, I realize that we are more than likely in each other’s lives for a reason.  I don’t know about y’all, but at times (when I am feeling lonely or not having a good ”single girl” day) I look to my friends as an example that it’s not just me, that I am not alone, and I’m not “less than” just because I happen to be single. And as selfish, superficial or immature as it may seem, it’s a little comforting to know that I am not rowing this “single girl boat” alone.  We are each other’s example that we are “ok” and personally, sometimes I need a reminder.   Being a single woman, I have the luxury of going out for drinks, to parties, dinner or whatever, whenever I feel like it.  It’s the part of being single with no children that I love… No one to answer to, but myself...  There are some great single girl outings that my friends and I frequent throughout the Chicagoland area.

Urban Fetes is a prominent event planning and marketing company that specializes in creating unique events for young professionals.  The company throws monthly Mix & Mingle events and other social events for young professionals.  My friends and I also manage to spot “a few good men” while attending these events, which is always a plus!! You and your friends should check some of these events out! Visit their website for upcoming events at www.urbanfetes.com

My girls and I also like to do “out of the box” activities... Fun themed parties are always things we like to check out! Summer is FINALLY here and to kick it off we plan to attend a "We Miss Da 90s" themed party! This event is a tribute to the era we all know and love and my girls and I are super excited!! Its coming up THIS Thursday July 21st at Saw Tooth restaurant in Chicago.  My girls and I are excited to throw on our gear and dance to music from a time we all know and love! You should join us!! 1350 W. Randolph, Chicago, IL

Being single CAN be fun.  I, for one, am having a blast, for now… (LOL).  Find a way to stay active while you are single; enjoy your life and the people in it! These are the best times of our lives, and I don’t know about you, but I plan to LIVE IT UP!!

Table for One please… Enjoying my life… Love me or leave me alone!

BACK TO HAPPY TIP: NEVER feel sorry for yourself! Everything happens for a reason.  Find a way to do things that make you happy! Make your own smiles! It’s SO worth it!




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