What's Next!?!

What’s next?  I’ve come to the conclusion that life has its own plan and that things only happen when they are supposed to.  I often find myself looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, the prize in the Cracker Jack box, the center of the Tootsie Pop… But I haven’t quite found ALL that I am looking for just yet.

I’ve learned to be content with my current place in life, to be happy with all that I have been given.  But I can’t help but wonder what’s next!?!  Most of the people who “really” know me, understand that I have had a few desires unfulfilled over the last couple of years and it took me a while to learn to focus on the positive.  Please know that I have come to terms with where my life has brought me, but what’s next?!?

Professionally, things have begun to move forward.  I am making small advancements, building a great reputation, and preparing myself to make huge steps toward career advancement.  I have set goals and met them…I am currently basking in the fact that I set a goal and reached it!  But I still want more…

Does my “want for more” mean I don’t appreciate my current blessings?!?  Absolutely not!  Yes, I am happy!  The sun is finally shining on me and for that I am grateful… But what’s next?

I want so much more out of life and I speak those wants daily.  I don’t want to seem greedy or dissatisfied because I’m definitely grateful for all that I have, BUT I want more!  My want for more does not outweigh my grateful heart though!  Please believe that!  I’ll continue to look forward to what’s next because my blessings have already begun to poor in…

Not just for me though, my friends and family are getting all that they have asked for as well, babies, weddings, new relationships, promotions, new homes and more!  Our wants have become realities and I am so super excited for everyone around me!!!  You’ve gotta learn to be happy for those around you and before you know it, you’ll be smiling for things that are happening in your own life!  Trust me…I’m a living witness!

What’s next?!?! I’m not sure… Stay tuned…

Table for one please… I can finally see the light... Love me or leave me alone!

BACK TO HAPPY TIP: Its fun to have things to look forward to, so when you do look forward... The BEST is yet to come :-)


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