There's Hope...

How often do you take the time to say “thank you”? I mean, being really grateful for where you are in life…

I say “thank you” often; when I'm happy, sad, frustrated, confused... WHATEVER! I always try to remind myself that things could be worse… I've learned that no matter what, I will always want more... So, I thank Him, in the meantime…

I could talk to you for days about how I want more of this or more of that, but I'd rather tell you why I'm thankful for what I already have.

My parents are my biggest fans.  They are, without a shadow of doubt, #TeamCourtney!  They give me wonderful advice, they support me and all of my big ideas, they catch me when I fall, and will always be there for me. Not everyone can say they have both parents in their lives or their support; I am thankful for my mother and my father because they believe in me.

Does your family work your nerves?!? LOL… Mine does! But I am SO thankful for them.  They challenge me to be my best. They support me beyond expectation and they hold me accountable for my actions. My family will always be there for me to be voices of reason, to be my cheerleaders, and to tell me the truth! I am blessed to have a family full of people who want nothing but the best for me! I am thankful for my family because they will always be there.

I am thankful for my followers because they inspire me! To have people who care about what I have to say is humbling enough… But the fact that people faithfully read Table 4 One once a week and support my events is awesome! I started writing this blog for selfish reasons and now its purpose has evolved to so much more than that. I am thankful for the people who read my blog because they support me.

My connection with Urban Fetes has taught me so much! They have exposed me to wonderful people and have given me the opportunity to share my voice…and for THAT I am thankful! Through Urban Fetes, I have met people and built relationships that I will cherish for the rest of my life. They believe in me and support me to no end.  I am thankful for Urban Fetes because they connect me.

Friends! I speak often of how I'm grateful for my friends because they choose to be in my life. I can call on them when I am sad, happy, want to talk, or when I’m bored and they are there! I am so blessed to have so many of them, ones who I can cry with, pray with, write with, party with, drink with, or do nothing at all with! I am so thankful for my friends because they accept me.

I am thankful for sanity and for strength! I am thankful for my voice... I am thankful for my openness and the fact that I am unashamed. Yes, if I had my way, I'd be in a completely different place in my life, but I'm not and I'm still thankful. I've learned that everything doesn't happen when we want it to; each of us has a purpose and although I'm still trying to find mine, I will thank Him, in the meantime... Prayers, in the meantime, are the ones that matter most to me because it’s easy to say “thank you” when all is well...

So, I'm thankful for it all! I'm thankful what I have and for what's to come. I'm thankful for the journey...

"There's hope... It doesn't cost a thing to smile... You don't have to pay to laugh... You better thank God for that!” - India Arie

Happy Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful for what you've got...

Table for one please... I'm thankful... Love me or leave me alone :-)


  1. Love this Courtney...always thankful!

  2. I was feeling down and I read your blog. I feel better now. I am thankful because it could be worse.


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