Love Music?

Music can make you think, cry, laugh, dance, worship and so much more.  As I studied radio production at Columbia College Chicago, I learned a lot about music and how its timing can make or break a mood.
There are many ways you can express yourself through music.  It makes dancers dance and singers sing.  I have been a dancer since I was 2 years old, so when I hear music I immediately want to dance.  It’s like it’s in my blood!  But no matter how you slice it, music enhances all feelings and emotions. 
As I was driving home the other night after having drinks with a friend, I turned to WGCI.  “Whispers in the Dark” was on, a show that plays nothing but songs regarding relationships; from 10pm to 2am every day.  As I drove the 20 minute drive home all kinds of songs were playing in my ear… I heard these men and women singing of love and happiness and I felt nothing. Not one thought to make me smile, giggle, feel butterflies or even get angry! I was blank!
Now of course old songs bring back moments & memories of my past… Speaking of which, I had a moment last week that made my heart smile.
Several years ago, I had a connection with a man that I have yet to have in any of my other relationships.  We were connected without even trying, it didn’t take any effort…we just “were”! It was magical and I’m not sure if it will ever be matched.  We listened to music often and whenever I hear a song from that time in my life I think of him, just as I did last week. I like having joyful memories to go back to; they take me back to feelings of the past that inadvertently make me optimistic for my future.  I believe most relationships are seasonal and I am grateful for the time I spent with this man. Music was a big part of our relationship. Although our personal situations didn’t allow our relationship to last forever, I learned a lot from it and it made me a better person.
I am grateful for the memories, however when I hear new songs that I’ve never heard before with great melodic tones and lyrics of love and happiness, I am left blank.  No face, no thought, no feeling or person to think of.  I am not saddened by this…I just “am”.  I am living in the moment… Patiently waiting for my love song to walk into my life…
But until then…Table for one please, all of me, no holds barred… Love me or leave me alone ;-)
BACK TO HAPPY TIP: Turn on your favorite song and DANCE! Dance like no one’s watching!


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